Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Lecture 1: Getting Started: Transcripts, Variables, Methods, Properties

Lecture 1: Getting Started

Video 1: starts with getting PowerShell all setup. I changed the background to black and the font to neon green, just like the a400 hack days. Font 24 size

This is the first video in the series

Part 1: Getting Started

1. Always start out with command
*allows script to be saved

2. get-command
*everything available in PS

3. get-
*everything in PowerShell must be in this format
**noun= parameter

4. Other examples
get-command-Noun service

*returned 8 objects about service

5. get-help get-service
* this is the help section

6. get-help get-service -examples -online
* good command to show examples

7. cls
*(alias) clears screen
**translate alias get-alias cls
***returns -> Clear-Host
****this is: (verb)(command)(noun)

8. get-process 
*this is similar to task manager

9. pipe over command (|)
*| denotes pipe

10. get-member
*denotes all the properties and methods of that object
**properties: example car: color, type, brand
***methods: open door, start car, break car

11. | select-object *

Part 2: Variables

1. $zebra =  get-process MicrosftEdge
*(variable) = (verb)(command)(noun) (object)

*check to see if variable was set

3. $zebra.name

4. $zebra.kill()

5. get-history
*what we did

6. transcripts located in documents folder

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